SSCI《Thinking Skills and Creativity》征稿: 设计、教授课程与思维技能培养
截止日期:2025/02/28 23:59
Thinking Skills and Creativity
SSCI (JCR 2023)
IF 3.5
Understanding, Designing, and Teaching the Curriculum to Incorporate the Cultivation of Thinking Skills
New theoretical perspectives on the processes and mechanisms that may enable the design and teaching of curricula to promote thinking skills development
Empirical studies that describe and evaluate innovative methods/approaches for incorporating thinking skills development in the regular course curricula (i.e., not as separate instructional provision). We especially encourage contributions about thinking skills that are less commonly dealt with in the educational research literature but are nevertheless important (e.g., integration of learning, analysis, decision making). When dealing with broader thinking skills like critical thinking or problem solving, we encourage authors to consider their more specific component skills (e.g., evaluation, interpretation, avoidance of bias)
Descriptions of new research methods and tools to better understand and/or promote thinking skills development within course curricula
Investigations that allow us to better understand how students experience and/or perceive “curricular space”, or the notional ‘space’ provided in their course curricula that they may use for various thinking purposes
Case studies of creative and/or innovative but practical ways to cultivate student thinking skills in particular subject disciplines. (Reports of such cases must include some objective measurements of the students’ performance of the pertinent thinking skills within the context of the subject discipline – e.g., how drawing of appropriate inferences might have been improved/achieved in history or mathematics – not just in general. Please do not rely only on Likert-type survey self-reports.)
Descriptions and evaluations of teacher professional development for enhancing teacher capabilities in effectively cultivating their students’ thinking skills within courses they are teaching. (Again, do not rely only on measurements utilizing Likert-type survey self-reports: at least take some objective measurements of what the teachers can manage to do.)
Cross-cultural studies examining similarities and differences in teacher, student, and/or other stakeholder views and relevant practices concerning the development of thinking skills within regular course curricula
Submission Deadline: 28 February 2025
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